Detox Cleanse – Day Three – Fini! Next Challenge???

happy girlHurray! I just downed the last of my smoothie meals for the 3-Day Detox Cleanse.   When I wake in the morning, I’ll determine whether or not this challenge was beneficial; examining the pros and cons.

With all the extra fruits and vegetables I have on hand since my hubby declined to continue the program with me past the 1st breakfast, I’ll have to think of good recipes to use them up or freeze them.  It REALLY bothers me to waste food, so it’s time to be creative!

This cleanse was part of spring cleaning my health.   I’m still tackling chores in the household, outside and within. 

Winter wreaks havoc on the skin, especially for those who live in cold climates. To get my skin in shape for the warmer weather, I’ve been exfoliating and using body cream to keep it smooth and hydrated.  Lotions are fine to use for everyday hydration at other times of the year, but in the winter especially, body creams and butters work best at keeping the skin moist and smooth. 

It’s best to use body creams when the skin is still moist, after stepping out of the bath or shower and lightly towel drying.   Moist skin helps absorb the creams and lotions better.  Some of my favorites are:

For the Face:     Neutrogena

Neutrogena facial moisturizer

For the Body:   Mango Body Butter and Shea Cashmere Lotion

Mango body buttershea cashmere

foot cream

For the Feet:   Shea It Isn’t So

On that note, I think I’m off to a nice warm bath and then some more pampering!

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

How Toxic are You?

“…tough choices become easier when we think about them in terms of doing the right thing, and although it may hurt initially, it invariably makes things better in the long run.” ~ Robert Vaux

 body cleanse

It’s not often you’ll find me speechless but that’s what happened this evening.  As part of my “Spring Cleaning” campaign, I made a commitment to complete a 3-day Detox Cleanse; what a perfect way to “spring clean” my body I thought.  Although not a fan of “quick-fixes,” I’ve done research on this particular plan and it’s the healthiest I’ve found.  I’ve wanted to do this program since last summer.

 The reason I’m speechless is that I actually convinced my husband to join me in this quest.  For the life of me, I can’t understand how I talked him into acquiescing.  Of course, he was adamant about proceeding at first; after all, he is NOT a fan of fruits and vegetables, no less those blended together in a drink.  He can handle a banana smoothie on occasion but only if I add some peanut butter or chocolate syrup.  Not this time!smoothies


Four drinks a day plus some supplements and a nice Detox Bath at night for three days – almost like being at a Spa!  I’m not sure how much I’ll enjoy drinking fruit & veggie beverages daily, forgoing solid food for 3 days.  One thing I know for sure; I’ll have to be the best cheerleader in town if I hope to encourage my hubby to tough it out with me.  Hopefully the nice, warm, relaxing bath at the end of the day will help entice him…key word being “hopefully.”

Oh and then there’s the exercise.  I showed him the TurboJam workout video I attempt to do daily.  He gave me one of those “are you kidding me” kinds of looks and said “good luck with that one.”  I’ll have to find another way to get him to do some cardio with me….hmmm,  60 minutes?  Maybe I can get him to do at least 30!

detox bathThis ought to be interesting.  I’m heading to the grocery store tomorrow for all the necessary ingredients.  I’ll also be tweeting and posting our progress on Facebook.  I’m thinking, if I tell my DH “others” are following us for the 3 days, maybe he’ll feel too proud to back down.  Oooh, I can’t wait!


My goal is not really to lose weight, although I’m sure I’ll lose a little water weight one way or another.  I really just want to get rid of excess garbage and toxins in my system so I’ll feel more motivated about continuing to eat healthy and exercise regularly.  Here’s hoping the results will be well worth the effort. 

“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?”  ~ Henry Ford